
iKnowNow allows you to manage your learning on a single platform. You can study from anywhere, at anytime.

User Roles

Users are classified into three types(1) Learner, (2) Instructor, (3) Administrator(1) Learner, (2) Instructor, (3) Administrator :

This Help consists of three guides for each role type .

The recommended browser to use from your computer is latest versions of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. You are advised not to use Internet Explorer. Some functionality may not work properly on this browser.  

The screen will be displayed in English, by default. But if the screen elements such as the  Welcome Back <username> message, appears in Japanese, it is happening because automatic translation is enabled in the Microsoft Edge browser. To disable it, please click aあ in the upper right of the screen and click the 元の言語で表示 (Display in original language) button.

Click on your role to proceed.